I just got a rad batch of vintage patterns in the mail!! OMG!! I am out of my mind! Lots of pieces to count and match up but that's the fun part! I especially like it when I find out that they are UNCUT and unused. I wonder if there is a term for people that like paper goods. I would be that person.
I am fascinated by any old paper pieces. I found the original final inspection record for my house from 1958. I love to see the handwriting and see that it survived. Paper is so fragile and yet, 53 years later there it is. A record of a time long past. It's very cool.
ANYWAY, back to my scoring.
Here's an overall shot but I have some favorites already!
And this little number is so cute with the matching skirt!
So give me a few days to sort through it all! Have a great weekend!