Friday, July 29, 2011

I just got a rad batch of vintage patterns in the mail!!  OMG!!  I am out of my mind!  Lots of pieces to count and match up but that's the fun part!  I especially like it when I find out that they are UNCUT and unused.  I wonder if there is a term for people that like paper goods.  I would be that person.  

I am fascinated by any old paper pieces.  I found the original final inspection record for my house from 1958.  I love to see the handwriting and see that it survived.  Paper is so fragile and yet, 53 years later there it is.  A record of a time long past.  It's very cool.

ANYWAY, back to my scoring.  

Here's an overall shot but I have some favorites already!

And this little number is so cute with the matching skirt!

So give me a few days to sort through it all!  Have a great weekend!

New Patterns Going Up today

So I scored some patterns over the weekend and have finally sorted through them, matching and counting pieces. The cool thing is some of them are completely unfolded and uncut. Somehow, someone bought these almost 50 years ago. They never even opened them much less make them. I like that. So now, whomever buys it will be the first one to use it even though it's 50-60 years old.

So, all you people who are not following me, here's some pics of what I got coming up!

A super cute pant suit from the 40's!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cold Beer, Warm Iron

I am getting so excited about going to King of Clubs at Barona this weekend. This will be the first time Andrew and I will have a vendor booth EVER.

I have been so nervous about having everything we need ready and together (tables, bags for patterns, price tags, a money box, change....the list goes on). But now that a trip to Home Depot and Target cleared that list it's on to new lists.

I have been ironing vintage aprons, sewing Virgin of Guadalupe pillows, packaging patterns, pricing and sizing, making an inventory list, etc. But it's so much fun. I should be dead-ass tired by now but somehow I am still going strong. It's awesome.

The best part is that we thought we would be taking the kids with us. A bunch of friends are camping overnight Saturday at the Speedway and we weren't going to with the kids. But my mom and dad had a scheduling issue with the weekend they were supposed to take them and so now they have them this weekend! Hello Air Mattress and Camping! I have missed you!

I can't wait for work to be over tomorrow...after I make business cards and size dividers for the patterns. :)

Off to more stuff. Love Life. <3

Monday, July 11, 2011

New Treasuries and Items

Just did a new treasury. I am fascinated by these vintage lady head vases I came across. So I created a whole treasury of them! Click on the link below to see them. Warning: Content could be addictive!
